Option b) Place the activation file in the C:\ProgramData\SAPIEN\ LicenseFiles folder before launching the application. Navigate to the location of the offline activation file and select the file to activate the software (e.g., -9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.license). Option a) Launch the SAPIEN product on the offline computer where you want the software activated, and then click the Activation file button in the trial activation dialog. This can be accomplished two different ways: Unlock your activation key on the offline computer.

Requests that are approved will be sent an offline activation file via email. Customer support will usually respond within 24 hours of a request. In the description field, be sure to leave a detailed reason as to why you need the software to work offline. From there you will be directed to to the Offline Activation File Request Form.In the sidebar, under Account Tools, click Request Offline Activation.Login to your SAPIEN Account from a laptop or desktop computer:.
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